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Chess problems
Problem 948: Igor Agapov - Threemover
igor.agapov(25.12.2018) An excellent threemover from the Russian expert showing a doubling of reciprocal white continuation and mate!
Problem 947: Zoran Gavrilovski - Twomover
zoran.gavrilovski(24.12.2018) An excellent original from Zoran Gavrilovski with a combination of Dombrovskis paradox, Barnes theme and Le grand theme!
Problem 946: Daniel Wirajaya - Twomover
daniel.wirajaya(24.12.2018) Nice Ruklis twomover (with an excellent key) from Wirajaya from the land of the famed Touw Hian Bwee. Can it escape anticipation? 
Problem 945: Gennady Koziura - Helpmate
gennadi.koziura(24.12.2018) An unusual helpmate in old style with two setplays and a single solution. White Grimshaw and battery mates.
Problem 944: Leonid Makaronez - Threemover
leonid.makaronez(24.12.2018) A simple threemover with a nice try and beautiful key by the Israeli expert.  
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