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Chess problems
Diyan Kostadinov - selected compositions

diyan  Here is selection of Diyan Kostadinov's best compositions - twomovers, threemovers, moremovers, helpmates, selfmates and fairy problems.


Krassimir Gandev - selected compositions

kgThis is collection of selected compositions by the famous bulgarian chess composer Krassimir Gandev.

Nikolay Beluhov - selected compositions

N.BeluhovThis is selection of compositions by the young bulgarian retro-problems rising star Nikolay Beluhov.

Velko Alexandrov (Bulgaria) - selected compositions

Velko Aleksandrov

Velko Alexandrov (Bulgaria) - selected compositions

Scacchographical twomovers

chess2Here is the collection of some selected Kostadinov's  scacchographical (descriptive) twomovers


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site for chess composition

 General editor:

Diyan Kostadinov


Seetharaman Kalyan

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