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Problem 591: Bosko Miloseski - Twomover
bosko.miloseski(07.06.2015) Very elegant twomover with Fleck thema by Bosko Miloseski. We do not found a direct predecessor so I hope that it is an original.
   1.Be6? (2.Sc7/Sd6/Sf6/Sg7#), 1...Rh1!
   1.Bh7? (2.Sc7/Sd6/Sf6/Sg7#)
1...Rd1 2.Sd6#, 1...Rc1 2.Sc7#, 1...Rf1 2.Sf6#
1...Rg1 2.Sg7#, 1...Kc8 2.Sf6#, 1...Rxe5!
   1.Sg7! (2.Bf7/Be6/Bd5/Bc4/Bh7#)
1...Rd1 2.Bd5#, 1...Rc1 2.Bc4#, 1... Rf1 2.Bf7#
1...Rh1 2.Bh7#, 1...Kc8 2.Be6#, 1...Rxe5 2.Be6#
Theme Fleck, Four changes mates, White Half Battery
Black minimal problem, Meredith (Author)


+2 #1 Toshiji Kawagoe 2015-06-07 12:33
A very clear and instructive example for showing Fleck theme.

Can wP be moved from b3 to a2? Then, a threat 2.Bb3# and a variation 1...Rb1+ 2.Bb3# are added.
+1 #2 Seetharaman Kalyan 2015-06-07 14:44
Quoting Toshiji Kawagoe:
Can wP be moved from b3 to a2? Then, a threat 2.Bb3# and a variation 1...Rb1+ 2.Bb3# are added.

It results in unprovided check, with no matching variation in the try phase. So not done!
+1 #3 Seetharaman Kalyan 2015-06-07 14:53
Barry Barnes has used the scheme earlier, but no fleck in the try phase. So this one should be considered a step ahead, and original.

1.Sf2? 1.Bf1!
+1 #4 Toshiji Kawagoe 2015-06-08 02:18
Quoting Seetharaman Kalyan:
Quoting Toshiji Kawagoe:
Can wP be moved from b3 to a2? Then, a threat 2.Bb3# and a variation 1...Rb1+ 2.Bb3# are added.

It results in unprovided check, with no matching variation in the try phase. So not done!

Oh, I see. Thank you for your explanation!
+1 #5 RodolfoRiva 2015-06-08 14:10
Brilliant! Best use of the Barnes scheme.
+2 #6 Eugene Fomichev 2015-06-09 03:21
It presented even in miniature:E.Gleisberg, Denken ung Raten, 1934, Ka6 Rg8 Bf8 Sd8 - Ka8 Ra1 Pa2, #2, 1.Sf7
+1 #7 degener 2015-06-09 21:38
W. Moisejew/W. Turowerow
Mat, XII/1975
Kb6, Th8, Lg8, Se8 - Kb8, Tb1, Bb3
b) e8 g8

a) 1. Le6?, 1. Lh7?, 1. Sg7!
b) 1. Se7!
+1 #8 Toshiji Kawagoe 2015-06-10 02:54
Quoting Eugene Fomichev:
It presented even in miniature:E.Gleisberg, Denken ung Raten, 1934, Ka6 Rg8 Bf8 Sd8 - Ka8 Ra1 Pa2, #2, 1.Sf7

The link to PDB server is as follows (P1119636).

+1 #9 Toshiji Kawagoe 2015-06-10 02:55
Quoting degener:
W. Moisejew/W. Turowerow
Mat, XII/1975
Kb6, Th8, Lg8, Se8 - Kb8, Tb1, Bb3
b) e8 g8

a) 1. Le6?, 1. Lh7?, 1. Sg7!
b) 1. Se7!

The link to PDB server is as follows (P1126713).

0 #10 Seetharaman Kalyan 2015-06-10 06:38
All the quoted precedents have the defect (which could have rectified easily) that after the knight key, the bishop has more than 4 threats and only 4 of them are forced as variations .... so not a correct Fleck. Perhaps they just wanted to show the battery mates in a miniature.
0 #11 Toshiji Kawagoe 2015-06-11 12:58
I found two more similar schemes.

1) Вовнейко, Виктор Иванович
Бельчиков, Николай Иванович
Радянське слово 1973

White Kg3 Ra1 Bb1 Sd1
Black Kg1 Rg7 Pg4




2) Croes, Govert Aliander
De Waarheid 1969-08-09

White Kh3 Rb1 Bc1 Se1
Black Kh1 Rh7 Ph5



0 #12 Seetharaman Kalyan 2016-05-14 14:01
Saw this one quoted in StrateGems (perhaps to show what can be done in miniature). Surprising that three fleck-mates (that too with battery) is considered when four can be shown with lesser men!

Four can be shown with five men... (e.g.)
WKc7, WRc1, WSa3, BKa8, BBf6. #2 1.Ra1!

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