Problem 594: Cornel Pacurar & Adrian Storisteanu - Fairy (Super Circe) |
a) 1.Ba6xb5[+bSe4]! –> 1.Bc4xb5[+wBa6] 2.Bb5xd7[+wRb5] Rb5xb3[+bPd2]#
b) 1.Ba6xb5[+bSe2]! –> 1.Qd4xd7[+wRd8] 2.Qd7xb5[+wBd7] Bd7xf5[+bPe3]#
In each phase white blocks, in its first (bS rebirth) and last (bP rebirth) moves, two bK flights – d2 and e4 in a, e2 and e3 in b. The field to be blocked by the bS must be chosen with care:
a) 1.Ba6xb5[+bSd2]? . . . Rb5xb3[+bPe4]#?? Sd2xRb3[+wRb5/..]!
b) 1.Ba6xb5[+bSe3]? . . . Bd7xf5[+bPe2]#?? Se3xBf5[+wBd7/..]!
Delayed effects: the refutation for the incorrect placement of the bS (done in the introductory move, before the batteries are even set up) is only revealed at the very last possible moment: the post-solution Supercirce dismantling of the double-check battery mates.
All-captures series-mover. The play is characterized by Supercirce capture side effects: white’s effecting ‘self’-blockings of the bK, black’s building of the white batteries, the antidual motivations (the misplaced bS destroys the mate by resetting the battery through rebirth of the firing piece). The two batteries are being set up in a similar fashion: on the second series move the front piece is reborn on the field previously occupied by the rear piece and just vacated by the capturing black piece. The bB and bQ exchange battery-building and blocking roles.
1 –> ser-h#2: a white help move is followed by a regular series-helpmover in two – w b b w#.
Supercirce: the capturing side chooses the captured piece to be either permanently removed or reborn, as part of the move, on any unoccupied field of the chessboard (without causing selfcheck/mate). Pawns reborn on their deemed promotion rank must be immediately promoted to a unit chosen by the capturing side; pawns reborn on their first rank become immovable and have no powers.
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site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
There is a question whether the content cannot be equally shown in normal h#2. Just a thought.
The evolution from the initial scheme led to this arrangement. As it is ("w-b-b-w"), a fuddled traditional-helpmate "b-w-b-w" scheme, it permits the longest delay between cause and effect (the wrong block done by white's capture's rebirth in w1 - refutation revealed only after w2), which is not bad...
It would be interesting to compare with the following composition (which, incidentally, I consider to be one of my best):
Vlaicu Crisan - Comm. feenschach 2000
White: Kf1 Rc4 Be6
Black: Kd5 Qd6 Rc5 Be6 Pb4 Pf6
(3+6) H#2 SuperCirce
1.Rxc4[+wRe1] Bxe6[+bBf5]+ 2.Kxe6[+wBe2] Bxc4[+bRd7]#
1.Bxf5[+wBg1] Rxc5[+bRc4]+ 2.Kxc5[+wRf2] Rxf5[+bBc6]#
Tries 1...Bxe6[+bBd7]+? and 1...Rxc5[+bRc6]? are refuted due to illegal self-checks: 2...Bxc4[+bRf5]?? and 2...Rxf5[+bBc4]??
Cornel and Adrian found another subtle dual avoidance - congratulations!
Thank you for the nice comments. And for putting our problem side-by-side with that perfection gem! Most gratifying. [I suspect the judge was thrown off by that wBe6 in your position as written, which should in fact be on f5!
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