Problem 595: Toshiji Kawagoe - Fairy (Symmetry Anti Circe) |
![]() ![]() 1.Bh3! (zz)
1...Kxh3(Kh3-a6) 2.Kb6# (2.Qa4? Kb6+!)
1...Kg1 2.Qg2 #
1.Bf1? (2.Qg2#), 1...Kg1! [2.Qg2+ Kxf1(Kf1-c8)!]
1.Bf3? (zz) 1...Kh3 2.Qh7# [2.Qh4+? Kxh4(Kh4-a5)!], 1...Kg1!
"My name is Toshiji Kawagoe, a beginner problemist from Japan.
Recently, as I am interested in Circe related problems, I left my comments about a nice problem by Kjell Widlert (No. 578).Then, I found very interesting and instructive article about Symmetry Circe/Anticirce by Sebastien Luce in KoBulchess. In that article, Mr. Luce writes that absolutely nothing has been done in Symmetric Anticirce #n. So, I have tried it.
The resulting position is very simple. The key is square vacation (g2) by wB. Among three possibilities (f1, h1, and h3), only one works (for other two moves, bK just takes wB and escapes away thanks to Symmetry Anticirce condition). What I want to represent here is that bK escapes away by taking wB but is checkmated by wK. I think this is a characteristic combination that can be represented with Symmetry Anticirce condition."
You are very welcomed Toshiji! Wish you good luck and keep going to learn and compose! And thanks for choosing KoBulChess for your debute! (Diyan Kostadinov)
Symmetry Anti Circe: the capturing unit goes to a square which is determined symmetrically by the central point of the chessboard allowing rebirths all around the board. |
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
Any anti-circe bears a strong resemblance to take and make: with the capturing piece jumping to remote corners..
After 1.Bf3? Kh3 Is 2.Qh4 a mate? (2.Kxh4(Kh4-a5))
Thank you very much for your welcome message and comments.
In fact, in Take&Make condition, a capturing piece gets a captured piece's mobility, so a short range piece like King can escape away by exercising such a power.
But in that condition, checkmate by wK is possible? I know that it is possible with Disparate due to paralysis.
So, I think that Symmetry AnitCirce is a mixture of Take&Make and Disparate in some senses.
Thank you again for pointing out a typo in the description of a Try. 1.Bf3? Kh3 2.Qh7# is correct (I have correctly written in my file sent to Diyan...).
This is indeed a paradoxical comment. Anticirce and some its variations was here long before Take&Make. And Take&Make resembles Anticirce, that was my idea when I first saw. To my surprise some authors seem to deny familiarity of two conditions (Anticirce, Take&Make) to a degree that notations for both should differ considerably (see the 1st clarification for 10th WCCT themes).
Quoting Juraj Lorinc:
AntiCirce and Take&Make are actually both variations of AntiSuperCirce.
First of all, thank you, Diyan, for correcting the typo.
I also thank for your warm welcome to KoBulChess and the problem world!
(Though, as a matter of fact, it is not my first published problem but the second [the first appeared in The Problemsist Supplement, May 2015]).
Anyway, I like this site very much because all genres are accepted and there are a lot of healthy discussions about problems and the problem world.
Thank you very much for your great effort for maintaining this wonderful site!
Dear Raman,
Thank you very much for your comments and warm welcome!
I also thank you for your work as a co-editor of this wonderful KoBulChess!
Dear Juraj,
I have never thought about the notation. But your concern is understandable.
In anticirce and Take&Make conditions, as a capturing piece moves twice in a move, it seems to be reasonable and clear to denote it more compactly like 1...Kxh3-a6 in both cases (but I'm afraid that this notation is different both from Popeye and WinChloe...).
Dear Vlaicu,
Thank you for your comment!
Though AntiSuperCirce is completely new to me, I understand and agree that AntiSuperCirce is more general condition than AntiCirce and Take&Make, as a capturing piece can choose any rebirth square.
Then, with little research, I found many examples of AntiSuperCirce in PDB server (you and your collegue's H#n and HS#n as well), but I don't know what type Cheylan or Calvet means. Would you explain them shortly?
Quoting Toshiji Kawagoe:
Anti[Super]Circe type Calvet: The capture can occur on the rebirth square.
Anti[Super]Circe type Cheylan: The capture is forbiddent on the rebirth square.
Thank you for your explanation!
I understand that Type Calvet is the standard one and Type Cheylan is the one with restriction in capturing square.
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