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Problem 613 (613.1): Krassimir Gandev - Fairy (Mirror Circe, Locust, neutral Pawn)

krassimir.gandev(13.10.2015) Wonderful fairy problem by Krassimir Gandev with double mirror stalemate after 9 Locust promotions.

The problem was found cooked and the author makes version 613.1 which is with Bishops instead of Knights on the initial position.








1.Pb7xc6(+Pc7) Pc7-c8=L 2.Pc6xd5(+Pd7) Pd7-d8=L 

3.Pd5xe4(+Pe7) Pe7-e8=L 4.Pe4xf3(+Pf7) Pf7-f8=L

5.Pf3xg2(+Pg7) La8xg2-h1(+Pg2) 6.Pg2xh1=L Pg7-g8=L

7.Lh1xh2-h3(+Ph7) Ph7-h8=L 8.Lh3xb3-a3(+nPb7) nPb7-b8=nL

9.La3xa2-a1(+Pa7) Pa7-a8=L ==

DoppellPatt, Echo - Patt (Author)


Mirror Circe: Like Circe, but the rebirth square of a piece is the square occupied at the beginning of an orthodox game by a piece of the same kind and of the other side. Related to the square they occupied before the rebirth:Rooks, Bishops and Knights are reborn on the square of the same color;Pawns (including fairy Pawns) are reborn on the same file; other fairy pieces are reborn on the same file and on the promotion rank of the other side.

Locust: a piece which moves only to capture. It lands on the same squares as a grasshopper, but the arrival square must be empty, because the locust captures its hurdle.

Neutral piece: A unit with this characteristic may be regarded as of either colour by the side whose turn it is to play. Neutral pawns promote to neutral pieces.



0 #1 Shankar Ram 2015-10-13 15:02
I think a mirror stalemate needs K in non-edge square and all squares around him to be empty.
+1 #2 Seetharaman Kalyan 2015-10-13 16:23
Quoting Shankar Ram:
I think a mirror stalemate needs K in non-edge square and all squares around him to be empty.

hm... stalemates in Mirror circe are Mirror stalemates !!
+1 #3 Diyan Kostadinov 2015-10-13 22:32
I don't know is there such an definition, but I called it "mirror double stalemate" because visually both Kings/Knights stalemate positions looks mirrored.
And Seetharaman, this is not because of the used condition (Mirror Circe), but because the final stalemate position where both Kings positions are visually mirrored.
+1 #4 Seetharaman Kalyan 2015-10-14 04:04
Quoting Diyan:
And Seetharaman, this is not because of the used condition (Mirror Circe), but because the final stalemate position where both Kings positions are visually mirrored.

I understood Diyan. My comment was just in fun! You are right the king/knight positions are indeed a mirror reflection!
+3 #5 Dmitri Turevski 2015-10-14 06:14
Popeye shows it's cooked, eg:

7... Sa5*b3[+nPb2] 8.nPb2-b1=nL h7-h8=L 9.Lh3*b3-a3 + Ka4*a3[+bLa8] ==
+1 #6 Shankar Ram 2015-10-15 16:03 Quote

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