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Problem 625: Viktoras Paliulionis - Helpmate
viktoras.paliulionis(12.11.2015) The beautiful miniature of Viktoras Paliulionis shows an unusual reciprocal Bristol!  A classic for the future collections!
625. Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuania)
H#7                         (3+3)


1.Kb2 Bf8 2.Qc5 Kf7 3.Ka3 Ke6 4.Qe7+ Kd5
5.Ka4 Kc4 6.Qa3 Bb4 7.Qb3+ cxb3#

Reciprocal bi-color Bristol (Author)

Masterly construction to show this difficult theme in such a light setting! (Seetharaman)



+3 #1 Seetharaman Kalyan 2015-11-12 04:29
Even after you go through the solution one wonders why the black king cannot reach 'a4' through any other route even with 7 moves available !
+3 #2 Vitaly Medintsev 2015-11-12 08:50
The black must play at least two moves by BQ in order to arrive onto b3. So, BK has five moves (as maximum) to reach 'a4'; it is impossible to do this through any other route since WB must not leave a3-f8 diagonal.
The way by which BQ must to arrive onto b3 is really amazing!
+1 #3 Seetharaman Kalyan 2015-11-12 09:14
Quoting Vitaly Medintsev:
The black must play at least two moves by BQ in order to arrive onto b3. So, BK has five moves (as maximum) to reach 'a4'; it is impossible to do this through any other route since WB must not leave a3-f8 diagonal.
The way by which BQ must to arrive onto b3 is really amazing!

You are right of course! With King route fixed, the queen route has been made unusual and surprising!
0 #4 andrew buchanan 2017-03-18 16:53
Exquisite and surprising

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