Problem 675: Cornel Pacurar & Paul Raican - Fairy (Proca Retractor, Chameleon Circe Assassin) |
![]() ![]() 675. Cornel Pacurar (Canada) &
Paul Raican (Romania)
![]() Try: 1.Kf2-e1 Rd7-f7++ 2.Be4xSh1(Bc8, - wSc8)? h2-h1=S+ (2...Sg3-h1? retro-check) 3.f4-f5 c2-c1=B+ 4.f7xQg8(Sg8, -wPg8)? & 1.f8=R# but 4.f7xQg8(Sg8)? illegal retro- double check.
So, a fore plan is needed: 2.Be4xSh1(Bc8, -bBc8)! h2-h1=S+ (2...Sg3 -h1? retro-check) 3.f4-f5 c2-c1=B+ 4.Kg1-f2! h3-h2+ 5.Kg2-g1 h4-h3+ 6.Kg3xSg2(Bc8, - wSc8)! h5-h4+ 7.Kh4-g3 Se1(3)-g2+ 8.f7xQg8(Sg8) & 1.f8=R#
Now 1...QxRf8 (Qd1)?? is self-check from wQd1 via bRd7 and 1...Kc7? is self-check from wBe4 via bPc2.
Chameleon Circe Assassin: The captured piece changes first its type after being captured according to Chameleon cycle (Q->S->B->R->Q) and then reborns on its initial square. When the rebirth square is occupied, the occupant is «assassinated» (replaced) by the captured unit.
(i.e. combination of Chameleon Circe and Circe Assassin). |
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