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Problem 950: Karol Mlynka - Twomover
karol.mlynka(26.12.2018) Karol Mlynka shows a new combination of changed mates and Radical change! Is there scope for an extra change? 
950. Karol Mlynka (Slovakia)
#2 *                            (14+11)
1...exd5+ a 2.Sxd5# A   1...Rxb5 b 2.Sxe6# B,
1...Bxe2 c 2.Sxe2# C   1...h6 d 2.Sg6# D
   1.Sc2! (2.Kxc3# & 2.Kxb3#)
1...Sxc2 2.Rxf3#
1...Bxc2 2.Kxc3#
1...Rxc2 2.Kxb3# 
1...exd5+ a 2.Kxd5# G  1...Rxb5 b 2.Kxb5# H
1...Sxd3 e 2.Kxd3# E  1...exf2 f 2.e3# F

Nowotny and 2-fold change of mates with radical change (Z-24-68) by five royal battery mates. (Author)



+1 #1 Diyan Kostadinov 2019-01-04 00:33
I receive an email from Klaus Forster with his problem to compare. Here it is:
0 #2 Seetharaman Kalyan 2019-01-04 07:30
Thanks to Klaus Forster. His problem is indeed similar, but superior with more changes.

0 #3 Karol Mlynka 2019-01-05 19:46
There are the totally different themes. In K. Forster?s twomover we can see a change of five mates (Z-25-5.10) and without Nowotny theme but in no. 950 is shown change of 2 mates and 2 radical changes (Z-24-68) with Nowotny as the main theme.

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