Problem 1000: Petko Petkov - Fairy (RAO, NAO, PAO, VAO) |
![]() 1000. Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)
![]() 1.PAff8+! NAe8! (1...RAe8?) 2.Kc4! VAcd2 3.Rf7+ RAd6#
1.VAf8+! RAe8! (1...NAe8?) 2.Ke4! VAed2 3.RAf7+ NAd6#
Thematic complex:
1.Five different white and black pieces play on exact 5 squares in both solutions: f8, e8, d2, f7, d6. I think this idea is expressed here for the first time in the HS# - genre!
2.In each solution we see the creation of 5 (!!) different anti-batteries (3 white direct anti-batteries+ 1 black direct anti-battery+ 1 black indirect anti-battery).
3.In this problem, the "Black Indian Theme" is presented for the first time when applying thematic figures NAO and RAO, who play on the same fields - e8 / d6 in both solutions in combination with Umnov - theme after the moves 1 ... NAe8! 2.Kc4! (I sol.) And 1 ... RAe8! 2.Ke4! (II sol) and with dual-avoidance theme!
4.The white King in the initial position has 8 free squares!
5.Aristocrat with only 15 pieces (it is so called "Mosow-form").
Fairy pieces definitions:
Pao (PA) / Vao (VA) / Rao (RA) / Nao (NA): Move as Rook / Bishop / Rose / Nightrider respectively, but capture by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.
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Seetharaman Kalyan