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Krassimir Gandev - selected compositions

kgThis is collection of selected compositions by the famous bulgarian chess composer Krassimir Gandev.




+3 #1 seetharaman 2011-12-15 09:10
Wonderful masterpieces! You are lucky to know such great composers.
+2 #2 seetharaman 2011-12-15 18:16
N0.12 showing AUW in miniature is a gem of a problem. Despite the combination of the three fairy conditions, the solution is crystal clear. Wonderful !
+2 #3 dkostadinov 2011-12-15 22:09
Yes, Ram, and this problem is composed more than 30 years ago... Gandev is a great composer, he have many other masterpieces... I planing to continue presentations of selected problems and biographies of many other top worldwide composers
+1 #4 seetharaman 2011-12-16 04:45
Quoting dkostadinov:
.... and biographies of many other top worldwide composers

A short biography of Krasimir Gandev will be welcome.
+1 #5 dkostadinov 2011-12-16 17:14
Yes, Ram, of course I will publish the biography of Krasimir Gandev in the site (probably in January). Just have to check and prepare a lot of things before that.

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site for chess composition

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Diyan Kostadinov


Seetharaman Kalyan

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