Problem 145: Zivko Janevski - Twomover |
(12.03.2013) New original by Zivko Janevski from Macedonia - this time twomover with nice key, changes and transfers of mates.
1...Ke5 2.Rxd5#, 1...Rxe4 2.Qxc3#, 1...Rd3 2.Se6# (A) 1.e5?[2.Se6# (A)] 1...g3! 1.Qg7! (2.Sd7#) 1…Ke5 2.Se8#, 1…Rxe4 2.Sxe4#, 1…Kc5 2.Se6# (A) White battery transformation, changed mates, changed defence and flight-giving key! (Author) |
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