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Problem 970: Diyan Kostadinov - Selfmate
marti1(31.12.2018/23:59h) One of my most difficult and thematically rich selfmate composed few minutes before the end of year 2018 is here! I dedicate it to my daughter Martina! She turned 1 year old on 06.12.2018.
Happy new 2019 year to everybody!





    1.Qd8! (2.Rxf7+ Ke6 3.Qe8+ Kxd6 4.Qxf8+ Ke6 5.Qe7+ Bxe7#)
 1…Be6 2.Sg4+ Bxg4 3.Re6+ Kxe6 4.Bd2+ Kxd6 5.Bb4+ Bxb4#
 1…Se6 2.Bg5+ Sxg5 3.Rxd7+ Ke6 4.Sd3+ Se4 5.Sc5+ Bxc5#
(1…Qe6 2.Re8+ Qe7 3.Sxg4+ Ke6 4.Bd2+ Kxd6 5.Bb4+ Bxb4#)
Initial position without direct white batteries, but during the play there is a great battery show!
Consecutive play by white direct battery and two other white batteries after transformations of the white indirect half-battery.
White Q-R battery plays three different times.
White indirect R-B/S half-battery transforms into two different direct batteries.
Three different mates by the black R-B battery
Three defences (including the side variation) on the same square with blocks.
The black King moves to the same square which was just unblocked.
Active sacrifices by the white pieces. 
White Rook Cross is completed with the side variation.
Extremely difficult thematic complex shown here for the first time!
With my wife Snejina and our daughter Martina 06.12.2018


+7 #1 Seetharaman Kalyan 2019-01-01 11:27
Nice problem and nice photos !!
+1 #2 Diyan Kostadinov 2019-01-03 06:11
There was several versions of the problem and the initially published was wrong. I prefere the side variation here and the better key instead in the initially wrong published.
+4 #3 Diyan Kostadinov 2019-01-03 06:38
I should note that the consecutive play by white direct battery and two other white batteries after transformations of the white indirect half-battery was in my mind for many years and together with Andrey Selivanov we finaly realized it during the WCCC 2014 in Bern. We published it in Die Schwalbe and it was selected for the FIDE Album 2013-2015.

But there all mates by the black battery was the same and the white Q-R battery played on only in two different ways.

Here in the threat and thematic variations we have 3 different mates and 3 different white Q-R battery play (well, together with the side variation there is also 4th opening of the white battery with wR cross). Also in all variations (including the side one) the black pieces first block a square and after that unblock it with Keller paradox in the main variations and bK playing on the same thematic square which I think is very good improvement.
The whole thematic complex is realized here for the first time.

You can see our old problem:
+5 #4 Seetharaman Kalyan 2019-01-03 09:13
Excellent play dedicated to Martina. Great name made famous by the two talented tennis players Navratilova and Hingis !

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