Problem 619: Miodrag Mladenovic - Helpmate |
(31.10.2015) Miodrag's original helpmate shows the recently popular and complex idea "Perpetuum Mobile" in which twins are the first black move of the previous two solutions! 619. Miodrag Mladenovic (Serbia)
H#2* 2 sol. (10+9)
a) Diagram
b) After first move of (a)
c) After first move of (b)
d) After first move of (c)
a) 1...Bf4+ 2.Kd4 e3#
1.Se6 Bf2 2.Sd4 Bg3#, 1.Sd3 Sc4+ 2.Ke4 exd3#
b) (after 1.Se6) 1...Bf2 2.Sd4 Bg3#
1.Sc5 Bf4+ 2.Kd4 e3# 1.Sf4 Bc5 2.Sd5 Sd3#
(after 1.Sd3) 1...Sc4+ 2.Ke4 exd3#
1.Sc5 Bf4+ 2.Kd4 e3#, 1.Sf4 Bc5 2.Sd5 Sd3#
c) (after 1.Sc5) same as in a)
(after 1.Sf4) 1...Bc5 2.Sd5 Sd3#
1.Sd3 Sc4+ 2.Ke4 exd3#, 1.Se6 Bf2 2.Sd4 Bg3#
d) (after 1.Sd3) Same as in b) second solution
(after 1.Se6) Same as in b) first solution
Perpetuum Mobile, Model mates, Merry-go-round (Author)
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
However it's paradox to have perpetuum mobile where bS is doing a real "merry-go-round" in both directions.
It's also possible to show perpetuum mobile theme with two solutions and set play in some trivial positions with three solutions. For example: 3R4.8.1r6.3B4.KP1kPP2.6P1.3S4.8
(I am not sure how to place diagram here). Although this is the correct problem in my opinion it does not deserve publishing. I placed it here more to present this idea with three solutions.
H#2 2 Sol.
1.Rf6 f5 2.Ke5 Sf3 #
1.Rd6 e5 2.K*d5 R*d6 #
1.Rd6-b6 b4-b5 2.Kd4-c5 Sd2-b3 #
1.Rd6-f6 f4-f5 2.Kd4-e5 Sd2-f3 #
1.Rf6-b6 b4-b5 2.Kd4-c5 Sd2-b3 #
1.Rf6-d6 e4-e5 2.Kd4*d5 Rd8*d6 #
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