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Fairy pieces and conditions



* The blue colored conditions were invented by IM Diyan Kostadinov.


   ABC (Alphabetical Chess):The squares are considered in the order a1, a2...a8, b1...b8, c1 and so on to h8. The player whose turn it is may move only his unit standing on the square which comes earliest in this order. However check and mate are normal.

   Andernach Chess: Pices (also pawns) change color (and the side) after they capture. The rule does not apply to Kings. A pawn capturing on the 8th rank is 1st promoted, and then changes color.

   Anti-Andernach: A piece (excluding King) changes its color after any non-capturing move. After capture, the piece retains its color. Rooks on a1, h1, a8 and h8 can be used for castling, provided the usual other rules for that move are satisfied. After castling, Rooks do not change color, If White makes a non-capturing move with neutral or halfneutral piece, that piece becomes black and vice versa.

   Anti Einstein chess: every time a piece moves (without capturing), it "loses energy" and transforms itself ("is demoted") into a smaller unit, one step down the ladder from Queen to Rook to Bishop to Knight to Pawn. Kings do not transform. A non-capturing Pawn-move does not lead to any transformation. You can also have pawns on the 1st-rank (after a non-capturing Knight move): these pawns can make a single, double or triple step forward. After a double or triple step, they can be captured en-passant by an enemy pawn on the 3rd or 4th rank. After a triple step, en-passant capture can take place on two different squares!

   Annan Chess (Southern Chess): A unit (Kings included) one square in front of a friendly unit moves in the manner of the rear unit, not as itself. For white, affected units are on the same file and one rank higher, for black they are one rank lower. Transference of powers is only to the next unit: with 3 friendly units adjected in a file, the 3rd moves as the 2nd, the 2nd moves as the 1st. The Pawns on their first rank are immobile.

   Anti Take & Make: every capture ("take") must be complemented by a further step ("make" - not a capture) by the captured piece (Kings excluded), which must move from its square of vanish (according to the wishes of the capturing side in case of options). The capture is forbidden if the captured unit have not possible move. Promotions at the end of the "make" element are normal.

   Anti Circe: After a capture the capturing piece (Ks included) must immediately be removed to its game array square (necessarily vacant, else the capture is illegal). R, B & S go to the square of the same colour as the capture; Ps stay on the file of capture; fairy pieces go to the promotion square of the file of capture.

   Anti Circe Clone: A capturing unit (including King) takes the nature of the captured piece and then goes to its Circe rebirth square.

   Anti Circe Couscous: the capturing piece reappears on the Circe rebirth square of the captured unit.

   Back-Home: if a side can move a piece (King included) to the square it occupied in the initial position, it must do it, unless a self-check.

   Back-to-Back: When pieces of opposite colors stand back-to-back with each other on the same file, they exchange their roles. P on the first rank cannot move. Any piece can make an en passant capture when it is given a power to move as P by BTB.

   Breton: When a piece is captured, a piece of the same kind (if there is one) of the capturing side must disappear. If there are several other pieces of the same kind as the captured piece, then only 1 of them must disappear, it is always the capturing side who decides which piece must disappear. If there is no piece of the same kind as the captured piece, then everything happens like an orthodox capture (no piece disappears, except the captured one).   

  Breton adverse: When a piece is captured, another piece of same nature belonging to captured side (if any) must also disappear.

   Brunner chess: a side can not capture the opposite King if after this capture its own King can be captured.

   Circe: Captured units (not Ks) reappear on their game-array squares, of the same colour (pieces), on the file of capture (pawns), or on the capture file’s promotion square (fairy pieces). If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal. 

   Circe Clone: when a piece is captured (King excluded) it takes the nature of the capturing piece, then it reappear on its game-array square if it is empty, otherwise the captured piece vanishes. The pieces captured by King do not transforms to his nature and returns as itself.

   Circe Assassin: the captured unit reappear on its game-array square even if the rebirth square is occupied. And then the occupying unit disappears for good. (Hence a unit on its home square cannot be removed.)

   Circe X: as a normal Circe - captured units (not Ks) reappear on their game-array squares, of the same colour (pieces), on the file of capture (pawns), or on the capture file’s promotion square (fairy pieces), but if the rebirth square is already occupied by another piece (A) it must immediately move (without capturing) vacating the square for landing of the captured piece (B). The capturing side decides where the piece A should move. If  there is not possible legal movement, the capture is not allowed (or possible variation – the captured piece disappearing).

    Circe Cage:

  1. Captured pieces are reborn if there is one or more rebirth squares for the captured piece. When there are none, the captured piece is denitively removed from the board. As kings can not be captured, checks and mates are orthodox.

   2. Rebirth squares are called cages. A cage for a given piece is a square such that if the given piece lied on that square, its only legal moves would be captures.
   3. When there are more than one cage, the side making the capture chooses the rebirth square from the available cages.
   4. Cages are determined after the capture has taken place.
   5. White pawns may reborn on the 1st row, from which they can move like ordinary pawns, including making a double step from the second row. Same for black pawns.
   6. White pawns may also reborn as promoted pieces on the last row. In such case, the rebirth square must be a cage for the promoted piece, the type of which is choosen by the side making the capture. Same for black pawns.
   7. A reborn piece is "brand new"; its move history is lost. For example, a white rook reborn on h1 retrieves the ability to castle.

     Circe Parrain: The captured units are reborn on a square which depends on the move following the capture (hence a move by a unit of same color, called the godfather unit). The step from the capture square to the rebirth square is given by (is equipollent to) the godfather-move. Rebirth only occurs if the rebirth-square is empty. Pawns may be reborn anywhere: on the 8th rank they are promoted, on the 1st rank they may only make a single move. If the godfather move is castling, then the rebirth-move is a King move followed by a Rook move

   PWC (PlatzWechselCirce): Captured units reappear on the square just vacated by the capturing unit. Pawns appearing on their 1st rank have no moving or checking power until reactivated by being captured again; those appearing on their 8th rank are promoted instantly, at the choice of their own side.

   Couscous Circe: As Circe, but the captured piece reappears on the Circe rebirth square of the capturing unit. Pawns reappearing on promotion squares are promoted instantly, at the choice of their own side.

   Diagram Circe: Captured units (not Ks) reappear on their diagram squares.

   Circe Turncoats: a unit (not King) when captured returns to its game array square with opposite color as part of the capturing move.

   Chameleon Circe: Capture of SBRQS... causes rebirth of the next piece in the cycle. Captures of pawns work as in ordinary Circe.

   VMC (Vertical Mirror Circe): The rebirth squares are the left-right reflections of the usual Circe ones.

   Circle SneK:
   When a Queen is captured - a Rook (or Royal Rook) of the same color (if exists on the board) becoming Queen;
   When a Rook is captured – a Bishop (or Royal Bishop) of the same color (if exists on the board) becoming Rook;
   When a Bishop is captured - a Knight (or Royal Knight) of the same color (if exists on the board) becoming Bishop;
   When a Knight is captured – a Queen (or Royal Queen) of the same color (if exist on the board) becoming Knight.
  Only one piece may change its type after a capture. In case of option – the capturing side choose which piece will be transformed.
   The capture and the change of type is a single move. If this full move result a selfcheck - the capture is forbidden. 
   The capture of a pawn is normal. The capture is normal also in the case when there is no piece on the board which should be transformed.
   Castling with Royal piece is not allowed.
   Disparate (Echecs Disparates): when a piece has moved, the opponent's piece of same nature can not be moved on the next move.
   Einstein chess: every time a piece moves (without capturing), it "loses energy" and transforms itself ("is demoted") into a smaller unit, one step down the ladder from Queen to Rook to Bishop to Knight to Pawn. Every time a piece captures, it gains energy and   transforms itself ("is promoted") into the next bigger unit. Kings do not transform. A capturing Queen-move or a non-capturing   Pawn-move does not lead to any transformation.There are no promotions. So that you can have pawns on the 8-th rank   (where they are stuck). You can also have pawns on the 1st-rank (after a non-capturing Knight move): these pawns can make a single, double  or triple step forward. After a double or triple step,   they can be captured en-passant by an enemy pawn on the 3rd or 4th rank.   After a triple step, en-passant capture can take place on two different   squares!
   Extinction: A side is in check if it is threatened to no more have a kind of piece it owned in the diagram position. Promotions to King are allowed.
   Functionary Chess: A piece can move only if it is threatened.

   Haaner Chess: any already left square can not be neither occupied nor crossed.

   KoBul Kings: when a piece (not a pawn) of his own side is captured, a King transforms into a Royal piece of the same type as the captured one. When the King is in the form of any Royal piece and there is a capture of one of the pawns of his own side, he becomes a normal King again. Captures are illegal if they result in self-check by the transformed King. Castling is allowed only if the KoBul King is on his initial square in the form of a normal King and if he has not already moved; however he may already have been transformed. 

In the case of capture by a King in AntiCirce he is reborn on his initial square and may castle. If the capture is by a King which is in the form of some Royal piece, he is reborn on the initial square of that piece.

   Kamikaze: Capturing Pieces also disappear from the board when they capture.

   Köko Chess (Contact Chess): a move is legal only if the arrival square is adjacent to any piece, this applies also to the capture of king.

   Madrasi: Mutually attacking black and white units of the same type (kings excluded) paralyse each other, so that they may no longer move or give check. The paralysis may be removed, for example by interference (in the case of line pieces), or by capture of either of the paralysed units.

   Madrasi Rex Inclusive: Same as Madrasi, but Kings are incuded and can paralise each other.

   MAFF: mate is given by checking the adverse King and leaving him with exactly one escape square. “Conventional” mate is illegal.

   Magic Square: A piece whose move ends on this square changes color. 

  Maximummer: Black must play the geometrically longest move or may choose from among longest moves of equal length, distances being measured from the center of each square. Diagonal and oblique distances are measured from the orthogonal coordinates by using Pythagora’s theorem (take the square root of the sum of the squares of the orthogonal distances). All other orthodox chess rules apply. 

  Messigny chess: a same type of pieces but in opposite colors can switch their places. The switch can not be done two times in a roll immediately.

   Oscillating Kings: After every move, the Kings change their places. It can be only black or white Oscilating King – in this case after every black (white) move, the Kings change their places.

  Patrol chess: the captures can be made and checks given only if the capturing or checking piece is guarded by a friendly unit. Non-capturing and non-checking moves are played as normal.

   Pressburger King (Super-transmuting King): King, which definitively takes the nature of the checking piece. After being checked and after answering the check, the King loses his Royal status and can be captured.

   Protean chess: the pieces transforms into the type of pieces they capture. When a king captures it retains its royal properties. A captured pawn continues in the same direction, so a captured black pawn becomes a backward-moving white pawn.

   Republican Chess Type 2  There are no Kings - if the side which has played can put the opposite King on a square where it would be legally mate, then the opposite King is put on such a square. The opposite side can then put itself the other King on a square where it is mated.

   Rifle chess: All units capture not in the normal way but by "shooting" an opposing unit from a distance. Thus the capturing unit remains where it is and the captured unit is removed from the board; this process counts as a move, even though the "moving" unit stays where it is.

   SAT: the King is in check when he can move on a square where he is not attacked.

   Sentinelles: When a piece (Pawn excluded) leaves a square outside the first and last rows, it leaves a Pawn of the color of the side that played unless 8 Pawns in this color are already on the board.

   SneK Chess: The pieces are in following order – (Pawn) > King > Knight > Bishop > Rook > Queen. If some piece is captured, the other one of the same color which is exactly below it in the rank, transforms into a piece of the same kind as the captured one. In case of option – the capturing side choose which piece will be transformed. When a Pawn is captured – the Royal Piece of the same color (if exists) becoming a normal King.

Here is the pattern: When a Queen is captured - a Rook (or Royal Rook) of the same color (if exists on the board) becoming Queen; When a Rook is captured – a Bishop (or Royal Bishop) of the same color (if exists on the board) becoming Rook; When a Bishop is captured - a Knight (or Royal Knight) of the same color (if exists on the board) becoming Bishop; When a Knight is captured – the King of the same color becoming a Royal Knight; When a Pawn is captured – the Royal Piece of the same color (if exists) becoming a normal King.

   SneK Chess Adverse: The pieces are in following order – (Pawn) > King > Knight > Bishop > Rook > Queen. If some piece is captured, the other one of the opposite color which is exactly below it in the rank, transforms into a piece of the same kind as the captured one. In case of option – the capturing side choose which piece will be transformed. When a Pawn is captured – the Royal Piece of the opposite color (if exists) becoming a normal King.   

   Superguards: Any piece (including Kings and Pawns), which is observed by another piece of the same color cannot be captured. Pinned pieces also observe.

   Swapping Kings: When the side on-move checks the opposite King, the Kings change places.

This is known as the “swap”. A swap is mandatory. The legality of any checking move is evaluated after the swap, except in certain cases involving castling. Castling out-of–check is illegal (wKe1 wRh1 bKe8 bBa5, 1.0-0??). Castling through check is illegal (wKe1 wRh1 bKf8 bBa5, 1.0-0??). Castling into-check is legal (WKe1 WRh1 BKf8 BBa7, 1.0-0!) A King swapped back to its game-array square is considered “reborn” and is eligible to castle.

   Super Circe: When captured, a piece is reborn on any free field on the chess board without causing self-check or selfmate. Possible is also removal of captured piece from the board. The Pawns (white, black, neutrals, half- neutrals) can be reborn on the first or eight row also. When reborn on the first row  (for Black) or on the eight row (for White) the promotion is obligatory. When reborn on the first row  (for White) or on the eight row (for Black) the Pawns are immovable.
   Symmetry Anti Circe: The capturing unit goes to a square which is determined symmetrically by the central point of the chessboard allowing rebirths all around the board.
   Symmetry Circe: The captured unit (not King) reappear on a square which is determined symmetrically by the central point of the chessboard allowing rebirths all around the board.

   Take & Make: Every capture ("take") must be complemented by a further step ("make": not a capture) by the capturing piece, using the movement of the captured unit, otherwise the capture is illegal. Pawns may not end up on their own first rank. Captures on the promotion rank lead to promotions only if the pawn is still on the promotion rank after the "make" part of the move. Promotions at the end of the "make" element are normal.

   Transmuted Kings: the king takes the nature of the checking piece.

   Isardam: Any move creating a Madrasi-style paralysis is illegal. Thus a check may be countered by guarding the king using a unit of the same type as the checking piece. Also, if a piece stands between two line pieces which would otherwise paralyse each other, that piece may not move off the line (Isardam pin!)


* The blue colored conditions were invented by IM Diyan Kostadinov.




Neutral piece (n): A unit with this characteristic may be regarded as of either colour by the side whose turn it is to play. Neutral pawns promote to neutral pieces.

Bishop/Rook-hunter: moves forward (=towards the opponent) as a Bishop and backward as a Rook. No horizontal moves are allowed.

Cardinal: Bishop which can rebound (only once) like a billiard ball when he reaches a square on the edge of the board. The rebound occurs on the edge of the board: A Cardinal on d7 can move on e8 then f8-g7-h6.

Chameleon (C):At the completion of every move, a unit with this characteristic changes type. The types form a cycle which may theoretically be predefined in any way but is usually taken to be the default option S-B-R-Q-S... Promotion may be to a chameleon at any stage in the cycle.

Chinese Chameleon: At the completion of every move, a chinese piece with this characteristic changes type as follow Cao-Vao-Pao-Leo-Cao... Promotion may be to a chameleon at any stage in the cycle.

Dummy: A piece with no moves at all. It may be captured, gain temporarily moving ability by relay, or pushed or pulled around by other pieces if there are pushing or pulling pieces on the board.

Super Pawn (SP): can go as far as they like in the usual directions, when moving or capturing; promotions are normal.

Berolina Pawn (BP): moves diagonally, captures straight ahead and promotes normally.

BerolinaSuperPawn BS: behaves as a Berolina P except that (when moving or capturing) it may go as far as desired along the usual lines, provided that they are clear, e.g. white BSa2xa8=S or white BSc2-h7.

Hippogriffe: Knight Grasshopper

Magic Kings: These cause the immediate change of colour of any piece they come into contact with or observe again from a different direction. This colour-change happens to pieces of either colour regardless of which side has made the move, which means that a piece entering the King’s field changes colour on arrival. Any pieces newly observed by two Magic Kings at once retain their own colour, as do Magic Kings themselves.

Orphan: an immovable unit that has no power unless attacked by a unit of the opposite colour, when it takes the power of that unit and can transmit that power to other orphans.

Princess: a piece combining the powers of Bishop and Knight

Imitator (I): A unit which must exactly imitate every move in length & direction, otherwise the move is illegal.

Leapers [moving directly to the destination square with no pinning or interference effects]

The Knight is1,2/2,1 leaper. Some another leapers:

Camel (CA): a (1,3/3,1) leaper, e.g. a1>b4 or a1>d2.

Zebra (Z): a (2,3/3,2) leaper, e.g. a1>d3 or a1>c4.

Alfil: (2,2/2,2) leaper

Antilope (AN): a (3,4/4,3) leaper, e.g. a1>d5 or a1>e4.

Ibis (15): "Ibis" is sometimes used as the name for a (1,5/5,1)-leaper.

Bison (BI): a leaper combining camel and zebra.

Gnu (GN): a leaper combining camel and knight.

Squirrel: (2,1/1,2) Leaper (Knight) + (2,0/0,2) Leaper + (2,2) Leaper


Riders or line pieces [playing along a defined line, and capable of pinning and interference effects on that line. Rs and Bs are riders and a Q is a combined R+B-rider.]

Nightrider (N): a rider along any straight line of S moves.

Zebrarider (ZR): a rider along any straight line of zebra [= (2,3/3,2)-leaper] moves, e.g. ZRa1-e7 or ZR a1-g5.

Dromedar Rider: line piece 0/3, 3/0 Reader (DRa1-d1 or DRa1-g1, DRa1-a4, DRa1-a7)

Quintessence: A rider that makes knight moves, changing direction in a 90 degrees zigzag route (movement: a1-b3-d2-e4-g3-h5).

Rose: (1,2) Octagonal Rider (extents the move of the Knight on a circular path e.g. a4-b6-d7-f6-g4-f2-d1-b2 or a4-c5-e4-f2).


Hoppers [riders additionally requiring one or more hurdles (units occupying squares on their lines)]

Grasshopper (G): Hops on Q-lines over any one unit (the hurdle) to the next square beyond. Q-hopper would be a more sensible name.

Double-Grasshopper (DG): makes a Grasshopper move [hops on Q-lines over any one unit (the hurdle) to the next square beyond] without capturing, then a second Grasshopper move.

Andernach Grasshopper (AG): Like a normal Grasshopper (moves along Queen-lines over another unit of either colour to the square immediately beyond that unit) but it changes colour of the piece it jumps over (except the Kings and the neutral pieces).

Grasshopper-2 or -3 (G2/G3): As G, but hopping 2 or 3 squares past the hurdle.

Sparrow (SW): a grasshopper which pivots 135' (to either side) at the hurdle.

Eagle (EA): a grasshopper which pivots 90' (to either side) at the hurdle.

Hamster: moves like a Grasshopper but deflect 180o on passing over the hurdle.

Moose (M): a grasshopper which pivots 45' (to either side) at the hurdle.

Rookhopper (RH): a grasshopper confined to R-lines.

Bishophopper (BH): a G confined to B-lines.

ContraGrasshopper/ContraRookhopper/ContraBishopper CG/CR/CB: Move like G/RH/BH, but in reverse: the hurdle must be adjacent to the contrahopper, which may land anywhere on the line beyond.

Kangaroo (KA): As G but requiring 2 (not necessarily adjacent) hurdles on the same line, and landing on the square immediately beyond the second hurdle.

Dolphin: Grasshopper + Kangaroo

Lion (LI): a grasshopper which can move to any square beyond the hurdle.

Rook-lion (RL): a rookhopper which can move to any square beyond the hurdle.

Bishop-lion (BL): a bishophopper which can move to any square beyond the hurdle.

Nightriderhopper (NH): Hops, on a straight line of knight moves, to the next square beyond any one unit, e.g. NHa1-g4, provided that c2 is vacant and e3 occupied.

Equihopper (EQ): Hops on any straight line (joining square midpoints) to an equal distance beyond a hurdle. Interference and pinning effects are possible on the line.

Equistopper (ES): Moves to any square that is exactly half-way towards another unit. For an orthogonal or diagonal move, it can only use the closest piece on the line as the reference unit.


Locust (L): a piece which moves only to capture. It lands on the same squares as a grasshopper, but the arrival square must be empty, because the locust captures its hurdle.

R-Locust (LR): a locust confined to R-lines.

B-Locust (LB): a locust confined to B-lines.

Chinese pieces - Leo (LE) / Pao (PA) / Vao (VA) / Cao (CA): Move as Queen / Rook / Bishop / Knight respectively, but capture by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond, i.e. like a lion.

Mao (MA): Moves as a knight, but the orthogonal square intervening between its points of departure and arrival must be vacant (e.g. MAa1-c2 requires b1 to be vacant).

Moa (MO): Moves as a knight, but the diagonal square intervening between its points of departure and arrival must be vacant (e.g. MOa1-c2 requires b2 to be vacant).


Siren (SI) / Triton (TR) / Nereid (ND) ("marine pieces"): Move as Q/R/B respectively, but capture by hopping over and removing an adverse unit, landing on the next (necessarily empty) square, i.e. they capture like locusts.

Poseidon: moves without capturing like a King and captures adjacent pieces like a Locust.


Winged King: is a piece moving like a Queen until it reaches an occupied square (the hurdle). Then, from that square, it makes a "King" move.

For example with a winged King (black or white) in a1 and a Knight (black or white in g7), the winged King can go in f8-g8-h8-h7-h6-g6-f6-f7. In Popeye it is named "Royal Marguerite"




site for chess composition

 General editor:

Diyan Kostadinov


Seetharaman Kalyan

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