WCCC Kobe 2012 - Prize giving ceremony |
Axel Steinbrink (director) with the winners of Open Solving Tournament - Martynas Limontas (2nd Place), Ofer Comay (winner), Marjan Kovacevich (3rd Place)
The winners of WCSC - Kacper Piorun (3rd Place), Piotr Murdzia (winner), Arno Zude (3rd Place)
Top three countries in WCSC - Russia (Mukoseev, Feoktistov, Selivanov) - 3rd Place; Poland (Mista, Murdzia, Piorun) - 1st Place; Germany (Zude, Pfannkuche, Tummes) - 2nd Place
Andrey Selivanov receive his Olympic Golden medal (for selfmates) from Harry Fougiaxis (WFCC President) (on the photo is also Marie Makino - member of the organizing committee)
Peter Gvozdjak - Olympic Silver medal (for fairies)
Diyan Kostadinov receiving his Vodka Tourney 1st Prize from Andrey Selivanov
The winners of Vodka Tourney - Diyan Kostadinov, Aleksander Feoktistov, Menachem Witztum, Araz Almammadov and Andrey Selivanov (the judge)
The winners of Bulgarian Wine Tourney - Paz Einat, Ofer Comay, Michel Caillaud, Mark Erenburg, Diyan Kostadinov (the judge) and Ricardo Vieira
The winners of Sake Tourney - Hans Uitenbroek, Ricardo Vieira, Kjell Widlert, Thomas Maeder, Michel Caillaud, Naoki Matsuzaki, Tadshi Wakashima (the judge)
Diyan Kostadinov - 2nd Prize of Tzuika Tourney and Dinu-Ioan Nicula
James Quah, Diyan Kostadinov, Menachem Witztum, Majan Kovacevich, Paz Einat, Ofer Comay
Allan Bell (with the blue shirt) and James Quah chats with Igor Vereshchagin
Menachem Witztum, Diyan Kostadinov, Ricardo Vieira
Peter Gvozdjak - trying to learn the rules of japanese card game
Mark Erenburg and Ofer Comay
Yuji Kikuta and Diyan Kostadinov
Yakov Rossomakho with his wife Gertruda, Diyan Kostadinov, Marjan Kovacevich, Marko Klasinc, Mike Prcic
Paz Einat chats with Marjan Kovacevich
Piotr Murdzia with his beautiful girlfriend (Olga Smolenska ?)
The banquet hall
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
Congratulations Diyan for your success!
Alex, Shogi tournaments in Moscow and St. Petersburg - wow, it's interesting :)
In Kobe was held friendship match on Chess and Shogi between Maxim Vachier-Lagrave and Yoshiharu Habu. See Kobe Day 2 report on the site.
Damit hat man einen sehr guten Eindruck gewinnen konnen. Danke dafur.
Shogi, Draughts, Chess... great variety Alex Levit !!
Danke fur den kommentar Wolfgang! Und willkommen in der website KoBulChess!
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