Award of KoBulChess TT 2012 |
In the announcement of the tourney I was written that the tourney consist of 2 sections: Section A: KoBul Kings problems without any other fairy pieces or conditions Section B: KoBul Kings problems with fairy pieces (no other fairy conditions were allowed). I had received so many miniatures, so finally I’ve decided to split the first Section, to separate a section for the miniatures. So the award is split into the following sections: -section A1: direct #/=, H#/=, S#/=, HS#/= problems in 2-3 moves and 7+ pieces with white / black KoBul Kings without fairy pieces or another fairy conditions; -section A2: direct #/=, H#/=, S#/=, HS#/= miniatures in 2-3 moves with white / black KoBul Kings without fairy pieces or another fairy conditions -section B: direct #/=, H#/=, S#/=, HS#/= problems in 2-3 moves with white/black/neutral KoBul Kings with other fairy pieces, but other fairy conditions are not allowed. Definition: KoBul Kings - When a piece (not a pawn) of his own side is captured, a King transforms into a Royal piece of the same type as the captured one. When the King is in the form of any Royal piece and there is a capture of one of the pawns of his own side, he becomes a normal King again. Captures are illegal if they result in self-check by the transformed King. Castling is allowed only if the KoBul King is on his initial square in the form of a normal King and if he has not already moved; however he may already have been transformed. In the case of capture by a King in AntiCirce he is reborn on his initial square and may castle. If the capture is by a King which is in the form of some Royal piece, he is reborn on the initial square of that piece. Participants: Pierre Tritten, Petko Petkov, Velko Aleksandrov, Juraj Lorinc, Vlaicu Crisan, Eric Huber, Kostas Prentos, Emmanuel Manolas, Themis Argirakopoulos, Ioannis Garoufalidis, Manfred Rittirsch, Julia Vysotska, Luis Miguel Martin, Jacques Rotenberg, S.K.Balasubramanian, K.Seetharaman, Cornel Pacurar. The ranking is as follow: Section A1 (problems without fairy pieces) 1st Prize (Petkov): a) 1.Sb3! Rd5!! 2.B:d5(bK=rR) rRd1 3.B:e4(brR=rB)+ rB:b3(wK=rS)# [4.rS:c3(brB=bK)?? self-check] b) 1.Sc4! Bd5!! 2.R:d5[bK=rB] rBe4 3.R:d1(brB=rR)+ rR:c4(wK=rS)# [4.rS:c3(brR=bK)?? self-check] Very rich thematic complex: white Nowotny on d5 combined with double capture of black thematic pieces and battery-creation. Reciprocal effects in play of 4 pieces (Rd8, Ba8, Rd1, Be4). Active black King with Magnet theme effects. Preliminary white line-closing by the Sa5 – with additional goal – sacrifice of this piece, model-mates with thematic effects on the mating-move. Excellent Meredith position without white Pawns. 2nd Prize (Rotenberg): 1.Rf3? (zz), 1…S:f3(wK=rR)!? a 2.Qc1# A, 1…S:e2(wK=rB)!? b 2.rBe7# B, 1…Sh3 c 2.B:b4(bK=rR)# C, 1…Sf~ 2.Rc6#, 1…Kd6 2.R:f6(bK=rS)#, but 1…h3! 1.Bf3! (zz) 1…S:f3(wK=rB)!? a 2.rBe7# B, 1…Se2 b 2.B:b4(bK=rR)# C, 1…S:h3(wK=rR)!? c 2.Qc1# A, 1…Sf~ 2.Rc6#, 1…Kd6 2.R:f6(bK=rS) Very interesting using of KoBul Kings to create a Lacny theme. The best KoBul Kings direct twomover! Here are also effects of black correction on the thematic moves by the black Knight. 3rd Prize (Argirakopoulos): a) 1.K:a8(wK=rB) rB:e5(bK=rR) 2.rR:h8(wrB=rS) rS:f7(brR=rL)# b)1.K:h8(wK=rS) rS:f3(bK=rR) 2.rR:a8(wrS=rB) rB:b7(brR=rS)# All moves are thematic captures with KoBul Kings effects, Durbar and model mates. Excellent problem! 4th Prize (Crisan): 1.Bb2 R:a3(bK=rR)+ 2.rR:a3(wK=rR) rR:h6(brR=rB)# [3.rB:f8(wrR=rB)?? self-check] 1.Rh5 B:h6(bK=rB)+ 2.rB:h6(wK=rB) rB:a3(brB=rR)# [3.rR:a6(wrB=rR)?? self-check] Dynamical play with KoBul Kings battery specific mates in ODT, Meredith, without white Pawns. 5th Prize (Balasubramanian): 1.Rd4 R:c2[bK=rS] 2.rSd5 B:e4[brS=K]# [3.K(R):e4(wK=rB)?? self-check] 1.Sb4 B:d1(bK=rR) 2.rRa3+ R:a2(brR=K)# [3.K(S):a2(wK=rR)?? self-check] Exchange of functions between white and black thematic pieces, Orthogonal & diagonal echoes by WR & WB, specific KoBul Kings mates, Meredith. Special Prize (Manolas & Prentos): 1.g1Q Rc7 2.Qc1+ K:c1(bK=rQ) 3.rQa1+ R:a7(brQ=K)#, 1.g1R R:e6 2.Re1 K:e1(bK=rR) 3.rRb4 Re4# 1.g1B Rd6+ 2.Kc4 Ke1 3.Bd4 R:d4(bK=rB)#, 1.g1S Rc3 2.Sf3+ R:f3(bK=rS) 3.Bc6 Kd3# AUW by a single black Pawn where the promoted piece is not captured on the square of the promotion (which is more difficult!). 1st Hon. mention (Argirakopoulos & Prentos): a) 1…e8Q 2.Qc4+ K:c4(bK=rQ) 3.rQa3 Q:a4(brQ=K)# b) 1…e8R 2.R:e4+ R:e4(bK=rR) 3.rRh7 Rh4# c) 1…e8B 2.Bb5 K:b5(bK=rB) 3.rBc8 Bd7# Forsberg twins, sacrifices and promotions of the same kind pieces, Meredith. 2nd Hon. mention (Argirakopoulos): 1.Sd7 B:d7(bK=rS) 2.rSd8 B:e6(brS=K)#, 1.Rb5+ B:b5(bK=rR) 2.rRf1 R:g3(brR=K)# Creation of reciprocal white batteries. 3rd Hon. mention (Rittirsch): a) 1…Bg2 2.Se:g2(wK=rB) Sd5 3.Sf4 S:f4(bK=rS)#, b) 1…Sd7 2.B:d7(wK=rS) e4 3.Bf5 B:f5(bK=bB)# White and black active sacrifices, Zilahi and Model mates. 4th Hon. mention (Manolas): 1.Kc5 d6 2.Kb6 d7 3.Kc7 d8Q# 1.g1Q h7 2.Qg8 h:g8Q(bK=rQ) 3.rQa1 Qg7# 1.g1R h7 2.Rg8 h:g8Q(bK=rR) 3.rRh4 Qg4# 1.e1B rR:e1(bK=rB) 2.rBa7 rRe8 3.b6 rRa8# 1.e1S rR:e1(bK=rS) 2.rSc2+ rRc1+ 3.rSb4 rRc4# An incredible task – the black king is mated in five of its phases in combination with AUW. Unfortunately there are some repetitions of white moves. 5th Hon. mention (Argirakopoulos): 1.R:d8(wK=rR)+ rR:d8(bK=rR) 2.rR:a7(wrR=rS) rS:c6(brR=rB)# 1.S:c6(bK=rB) rB:c6(wK=rS) 2.R:c8(brB=rR) Se7# Very interesting helpmate – Duplex with reciprocal captures, model fairy mates in Meredith form. Unfortunately the second solution is with three captures only. 6th Hon. Mention (Lorinc): 1.Qb1 Kg8 2.Q:g6(bK=rB) A rBa2 3.Q:g7(brB=rR) B rRa1# 1.Qf7 Kh8 2.Q:g7(bK=rR)+ B rRb8 3.Q:g6(rR=rB) A rBa7# Very nice play with quiet moves and reciprocal white moves. The author prefer elegant setting with 2 bBs (which is acceptable in fairies) instead of using twin form. 7th Hon. mention (Balasubramanian & Seetharaman): 1.b1R d8Q 2.Rb3 K:b3(bK=rR)#, 1.e1B d8S 2.Bb4 K:b4(bK=rB)# Good problem with AUW and two mates by the white King in Pawns only setting. 1st Commendation (Balasubramanian & Seetharaman): a) 1.Sf4 B:f4(bK=rS)+ 2.rSg4 Kf3#, b) 1.Bg4 S:g4(bK=rB)+ 2.rBg5 Kf5# Two Kings mates again, exchange of functions between thematic pieces and Forsberg twins. 2nd Commendation (Manolas): 1.R:a7(wK=rB) S:a7(bK=rR) 2.rRb7 rB:d5(brR=K)+ 3.Kb6 Sc8# 1.Rb8 B:b8(bK=rR) 2.rR:b8(wK=rB) Sa6+ 3.rRa8 rB:d5(brR=K)# 1.R:c7(wK=rS)+ dxc7(bK=RK) 2.RKc4 Scd6+ 3.RKc6 c8=Q# 1.Kc4 Bc5 2.Rb6 Sxd5(bK=K) 3.Kxd5(wK=SK) Sxb6(bK=RK)# Black Rook cross. 3rd Commendation (Balasubramanian): a) 1.Be4 rBg4! 2.Rd5 R:d5(bK=rR)# [3.B:d5(wrB=rR)?? self-check] b) 1.Rf5 rRh7! 2.Ke4 B:d5(bK=rB)# [3.R:d5(wrR=rB)?? self-check] Specific mates with virtual pins. 4th Commendation (Aleksandrov): 1.Sb5 S:b5(bK=rS) 2.rS:d3(wK=rB) S:a3(brS=K)#, 1.Sc6 S:c6(bK=rS) 2.rS:e6(wK=rR) S:e5(brS=K)# Very good play with battery creation and ODT, but the idea is not original. This thematic complex is shown for the first time by Kostas Prentos in his 1-3rd Prize winner of the 1st Bulgarian Wine Tourney, WCCC Crete 2010. 5th Commendation (Martin): 1.Bd1 R:d1(bK=rB) 2.rBd5 B:e4(brB=K)#, 1.Rd1 B:d1(bK=rR) 2.rRa4 R:a2(brR=K)# Exchange of functions between white and black thematic pieces, pin mates. Section A2 (miniatures without fairy pieces)
1st Prize (Prentos & Manolas): a) 1.Be4 Ra5+ 2.Kf4 Rf5# [3.K:f5(wK=rR)?? self-check] b) 1.rQd5 Ra3 2.rQh1 R:h3(brQ=K)# c) 1.rRe8 Rf4 2.rRg8 Rf8# [3.rR:f8(wK=rR)?? self-check] d) 1.rBh2 Ra1 2.Rg3 Rh1# [3.B:h1(wK=rR)?? self-check] e) 1.rSd3+ Ke2+ 2.rSb2 Rb4# [3.R:b4(wK=rR)?? self-check] An unbelievable task - full set of five Forsberg twins in miniature form! Good using of KoBul Kings nature and white minimal. 2nd Prize (Crisan): a) 1.h6! Kf7 2.Re8 K:e8(wK=rR) 3.Rd7 Kf8 4.Re7 Kg8# b) 1.Kh6! Ke7 2.Rg8 Kf7 3.Re6 K:g8(wK=rR) 4.Rf6 Kg7# Another fantastic problem: chameleon echo mates in Rex Solus and only 5 pieces on the board! 3rd Prize (Argirakopoulos): 1.g1B b8R 2.Bb6 R:b6(bK=rB) 3.c5 Rb7#, 1.g1S b8Q+ 2.K:b8(wK=rQ) rQ:g1(bK=rS) 3.c6 rQa7# AUW, black Pawn one/two steps and model mates in nice Pawns only position. Special Prize (Lorinc): 1.Kd7 K:d5(bK=rS) 2.rSb6+ Kc6+ 3.rSa8 Kb7#, 1.Kf7 Ke5 2.Sf6 K:f6(bK=rS) 3.rSh8 Kg7# Durbar and chameleon echo mates on 2 corners of the board with only 3 pieces – great! 1st Hon. mention (Vysotska): 1.S:a6(wK=rR) Bd3 2.Ka3 rR:a6(bK=rS)#, 1.S:b5(wK=rB) rBe3 2.Sa3 R:a3(bK=rS)# Ideal mates, aristocrat and interesting change of functions. 2nd Hon. mention (Argirakopoulos): a) 1.Kh7 rS:h2(bK=rB) 2.b1B rSg4 3.Bg6 rSf6#, b) 1.Ka8 rS:d4(bK=rR) 2.b1R rSe6 3.Rb8 rSc7# Phoenix, Durbar, model mates, self blocks. Commendation (Balasubramanian & Seetharaman): a) 1.e1S Kb4 2.Sc2+ S:c2(bK=rS)# [3.rS:c2(wK=rS)?? self-check] b) 1.e1B+ Bb4 2.Bc3 B:c3(bK=rB)# [3.rB:c3(wK=rB)?? self-check] Under-promotions and two different white pieces played on b4 with specific fairy mates in excellent construction. Commendation (Manolas): 1.Re2 K:e2(bK=rR) 2.rRb3 Kd1 3.rRd3+ Kc2#, 1.Re3 S:e3(bK=rR) 2.rRh7 Sf5 3.rRh1+ S:g3(bK=rB)# In both solutions all white moves are by the same piece which was captured the black Rook (sacrificed on e2 and e3).
Section B (problems with fairy pieces) 1st Prize (Petkov): a) 1.Qb7+! B:b7(wK=rQ) 2.rQ:h8(bK=rR) Bc8! 3.Ne6+ B:e6(wrQ=rN)# b) 1.Qb8+! R:b8(wK=rQ) 2.rQ:h1(bK=rB) Rb7! 3.Nc7+ R:c7(wrQ=rN] # Another masterpiece by the current world champion of the fairy genre! Four corners play – all pieces on a1, h1, a8, h8 changes their phases or leave their places! Sacrifices of the white Queen follow to change of phase by the wKa1 and creation of two systems of Dentist mechanisms – diagonal and orthogonal, where the black forward pieces of masked batteries (B and R) execute a double function – unpin of white N and self-unpin on the mating move through change of phase by the white KoBul King in N-status. Black self-blocks on c8 and b7, model mates and good position - Meredith. 2nd Prize (Vysotska): 1.Qd4 c:d4(wK=rQ) 2.rQd1 LEd2 3.Gd5+ LE:d5(wrQ=rG)# [4.rG:d5(bK=rLE)?? self-check] 1.Qb3 c:b3(wK=rQ) 2.rQg3 LEe3 3.Ga3+ LE:a3(wrQ=rG)# [4.rG:a3(bK=rLE)?? self-check] Surprising sacrifices by the white Queen, mixed pseudo Bristol and very good fairy play including specific KoBul Kings mate positions. Well done! 3rd Prize (Vysotska & Petkov): 1...LEd3+ 2.rLE:d3(wK=rLE] rLEd7 3.rLEd6 rLE:a7(brLE=K)# 1...LEb3+ 2.rLE:b3(wK=rLE] rLEf7 3.rLEe6 rLE:f3(brLE=K)# Rich thematic complex – Durbar, sacrifices of the white Leo, mixed Bristol and direct/ indirect batteries play. 4th Prize (Argirakopoulos): a) 1.Bb2 Kf2 2.e1B+ K:e1(bK=rB) 3.rBa3 Bb4# [4.rB:b4(wK=rB)?? self-check] b) 1.e1G Ge5 2.Gh4 K:h4(bK=rG) 3.rGh6 Gh8# [4.rG:h8(wK=rG)?? self-check] d) 1.e1N Kh3 2.Ng5+ N:g5(bK=rN) 3.rNh8 Nf7# [4.rN:f7(wK=rN)?? self-check] Forsberg twins and promotions to the same pieces as the presented on the diagram, specific fairy mates. Special Prize (Tritten): a) 1.LO:f3-f4(wK=rB)+ rBc3 2.Kf8 R:f4(bK=rLO)# [3.rLO:f4-f3(wrB=rR)?? selfcheck] b) 1.LO:c4-d5(wK=rR)+ rRe2 2.Kg8 B:d5(bK=rLO)# [3.rLO:d5-c4(wrR=rB)?? selfcheck] Zilahi, black tempo moves in miniature setting with specific fairy mates. 1st Hon. mention (Manolas): 1.Nc1 Kg8 2.h:g5(bK=rB) Qh7 3.Na5+ N:a5(wK=rN)# 1.Nf1 Ke8 2.f:g5(bK=rB) Rd7+ 3.Nc7+ R:c7(wK=rN)# Line openings and self-blocks. 2nd Hon. mention (Huber): 1…d8nS 2.nKb1 c:d8nR(nK=rS) 3.nRd3 Bg6= 1…c8nQ 2.nQe8 d:e8nS(nK=rQ) 3.nrQh8 B:e8(nrQ=rS)= 1…c8nB 2.nKb1 d:c8nR(nK=rB) 3.nRc2 Bg6= 1…c8nS 2.nKa2 d:c8nR(nK=rS) 3.nRc4 Bf7= Four solutions with neutral pieces play and AUW. Unfortunately with repetitions of some moves. 3rd Hon. mention (Argirakopoulos): 1.Sd3 nK:d3(nK=nrS) 2.nrSf4 Be5+ 3.nrSh5 g4#, 1.Bd4 g3 2.Bg7 B:g7(nK=nrB) 3.nrBg5 f4# Interesting play and Forsberg twins. 1st Commendation (Balasubramanian): 1.Gg6 K:g6(bK=rG) 2.rGg4 Kf5#, 1.Gb4 K:b4(wK=rG) 2.rGc2 Kb3# Exchange of functions between white and black Kings and Grasshoppers, orthogonal/ diagonal echoes, miniature, white minimal. 2nd Commendation (Crisan): a) 1.PA:e7(wK=rR) B:c5(bK=rVA) 2.rVAc4 B:e7(rVA=rPA)# b) 1.VA:b6(wK=rB) R:e6(bK=rPA) 2.rPAf5 R:b6(rPA=rVA)# A rich thematic complex: Zilahi, diagonal-orthogonal play, reciprocal captures, creation of batteries. I hope that in the future will be possible to see it realized without zero-position.
Many thanks to all participants and congratulations to the awarded composers! April, 2012 (Burgas, Bulgaria)
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
Congratulation to all composers!
white: Royal Leo d5, Rd7, Bf7, Pa4, b5, d2, f4, g5, h3
black: Royal Leo g2, Rb6, Se2, Pa7, b4, b7, e7, g6
H#2,5 2 sol (9+8)
1...Bg8 2.rLEe4 rLEf7 3.rLEe6 rLEh7#
1...Rd8 2.rLE:d2 rLEd7 3.rLEd6 rLE:a7#
Well, Paul is right that now the problem is without using of fairy condition, but in my opinion using of KoBul Kings in the original problem n.29 is better, because the play is more dinamic and the position is more clear.
Playing thr' some of the awarded problems I found Black pieces idle in one solution. eg
Pr.3 (3rd Prz) Sol.a)Sb7,Rf3 b) Re5,Bf7 and
Pr.8 (2nd HM) Sol.a)Ra5,Be1 b) Re8,Sb8
So, I would want to know the criteria in deciding what is economy in a Fairy composition as I am only keen to improve my composing skill.
The idle white piece is even more bad weakness and usually the problem of this type should be not accepted (awarded). In both problems you mentioned the thematic complex is very nice and in my opinion they deserve to be awarded even with this weakness. Till to the date of the tourney pr.n.3 was one of very few composed KoBul Kings problems with all moves as thematic captures. This is difficult and beautiful.
But I repeat - even if sometimes the idle black piece in some phase is acceptable, it is unpleasant and you should try to avoid it. By the way - the idle pawns in some phase usually are something normal and can be completely accept.
I get it now.Thanks a lot giving your time for the explanation.
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