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Video presentation of study with Zabunov theme by Yochanan Afek

afekYochanan Afek present his study which was introduced for solving in the 50th birthday party of Karel van Delft in Apeldoorn 2006 and was dedicated to him as a jubilee gift. It was published online in the SBSA messages (a newsletter of Apeldoorn chess that ceased to appear ever since) in 2006.

Take a look that the Zabunov theme occurs after playing of the white Bishop g8 on d5 (the Bishop is front piece of the first thematic battery B-R and become a rear piece of the second battery P-B) . You can see my article "The Zabunov theme in Selfmates" on the following link:



Yochanan Afek 2006

Dedicated to Karel van Delft - 50


Win                              (7+2)

Solution: 1.Ra8+ K:a8 2.f8Q+ Q:f8 3.e7! Q:e7 4.Bd5+! Ka7 5.Ra8+! K:a8 6.c7+ Ka7

7.c8S+ Kb8 8.S:e7 win










+2 #1 seetharaman 2012-04-19 05:46
It was nice to see Mr.Afek speak. However the problem itself needed no explanation ! It was crystal clear by itself !

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