(30.12.2018) Two wonderful Helpmates by Viktoras Paliulionis.
(30.12.2018) Two longmover selfmates by Viktor Syzonenko.
(30.12.2018) Nice Helpmate Meredith by Manfred Rittirsch.
(30.12.2018) Helpmate miniature with three solutions, Bristols and selfblocks after Gate-opening by Nikola Predrag.
(29.12.2018) A nice helpmate from Francesco Simoni. Three solution helpmates have a charm of their own. The unpin selfblock play is especially interesting in 958.
(28.12.2018) Threemover with Valladao task by the Russian team.
(28.12.2018) The author said: The longest capture-free series-mover with the stipulation self-stalemate! Can anybody find cooks in this new record? Welcome to Arno Tuengler!
(28.12.2018) Helpmate with four solutions, King Star and corner to corner play by Kenan Velikhanov.
(28.12.2018) Fairy Miniature by Anatoly Stepochkin with nice combination of KoKo and KoBul Kings with Echo mates by the Royal Princess.
(28.12.2018) Welcome to another original from Turkey after a long gap (360). Hope to receive more originals from him in future.
(28.12.2018) An ANI from the Russian master who believes that the two solutions have an unusual link!
(26.12.2018) Excellent moremover Helpmate miniature with the Klasinc theme and other notable features.
(26.12.2018) Karol Mlynka shows a new combination of changed mates and Radical change! Is there scope for an extra change?
(26.12.2018) Insipired and challenged by 934 here is our attempt at doubling of the black and white Bristols without twinning. However, we could not manage a reciprocal Bristol which is probably more difficult to add.
(25.12.2018) An excellent threemover from the Russian expert showing a doubling of reciprocal white continuation and mate!