(08.02.2019) The first threemover of the year is from our Israel master. Interesting play with try and light construction.
(08.02.2019) Happy to publish the first twomover of the year from our Russian expert!
(25.01.2019) The editorial board of Phenix are annoncing their 16th Thematic Tourney. It is asked to compose problems with these options of WinChloe : Conditionsfromply=n and / or Conditionsuntilply=n
There are four sections :
(19.01.2019) Here you can see an interesting article by Petko Petkov about the new fairy options in WinChloe which looks very promising for a future work. It was published in Phenix 288-289 in September-October 2018
(15.01.2019) Few days ago I saw an old topic in the MatPlus forum about probably a "new theme for S#2" which grab my attention and few hours later I was ready with this selfmate. Is this the first realisation of the theme in an orthodox selfmate? Opinions!?
(13.01.2019) The Royal Moroccan Chess Federation (FRME) organizes the 5th Composing Tourney in 6 sections:
  (13.01.2019) Here is the announcement of the Fadil Abdurahmanovic & Mike Prcic 80 -JT organized by Strate Gems.
(11.01.2019) Here is the Award of KoBulChess Helpmates in 2 moves 2016. Many thanks to the judge Shankar Ram! The award is open for claims for 1 month period.
Corrections in the Final Award:
- the 4th Prize winner now is with it's correct diagram;
- the 5th HM problem by Valery Gurov is removed because of the anticipation. Other HM problems which was behind it, now are 1 place up.
(04.01.2019) Zoran Gavrilovski is one of the most talented and versatile composers in the world (and an editor of The Macedonian Problemist magazine). He has a lot of masterpieces and here you can see the Award of his 50th Jubilee Tourney which was in 5 sections: #2, #3, S#, H#2, H#n. In the article are included the problems of all winners (and the two selfmates by the bulgarian participant Petko Petkov), three selected compositions by Zoran and also a link to the full award.
(04.01.2019) Wish you all a very Happy and successful new year! Here is the first Helpmate for the year - a simple one showing check prevention. This should encourage all to attempt more complex themes!
(04.01.2019) Here is the first original for 2019! A fantastic fairy problem by Vaclav Kotesovec in the author's typical style.
(31.12.2018/23:59h) One of my most difficult and thematically rich selfmate composed few minutes before the end of year 2018 is here! I dedicate it to my daughter Martina! She turned 1 year old on 06.12.2018.
Happy new 2019 year to everybody!
(31.12.2018) Two selfmates by Viktor Syzonenko. Sorry for their view, but I hurry to just publish them before midnight. Will update them soon.
(31.12.2018) New original by Kenan Velikhanov which is the last Helpmate for 2018.
(30.12.2018) Two Fairy originals by Sergej Smotrov.